Took me awhile to sift thru my notes from Saturday.
Turns out Tequila is not the performance enhancer they make it out to be.
I'm not what to say about saturday really other than I thought it went well. I think at this point, we've got it down to a fucking science.
This pretty much means that all nights are good except for a few that are great. Saturday was more great than good I would have to say.
A *clears throat* blow by blow account of what happened seems pointless ( If you were there you already know. If you weren't there, get your shit together and come down next time!) and won't make for particularly fun reading for you and writing for me. So instead, this is continuation on some of the thoughts my alcohol-fueled hands scrolled down upon getting home early sunday morning.
It's fucked up. It seems just yesterday this whole thing was just a crazy idea. And now not only has three years gone by since then, but the idea actually turned into something that has been up and running for a year.
If I'm honest I never would have guessed we would make it this far. The reason for that? Well first off, I'm a stubborn bastard who wants to do stuff the way I want to do it.
We could have doubled what we did in the past year if I had bended my rules a bit.
Since day one, even if what we are changed a bit I always knew what we weren't.
The two rules:
We will have nothing to do with any of the major rock bars in clubs in stockholm .
We don't play Kiss, Mötley, Bon Jovi or any other of that fucking clown-shoes crap.
I've said no to Dj's I know could bring in big crowds and offers to collaborate on some pretty big things only because it would have meant comprising and breaking these rules.
The sky has never been the limit. We play grunge and seeing as this is not 1992. You can figure out the rest on your own.
When I started doing this I imagined that at some point it might become easy. That has not been the case.
We are indeed a rare bird and like with anything rare, we have to struggle a bit to not become extinct.
I don't mind it though. The fact that this is at times a hard sell makes me work harder.
Half the shit we've pulled off would not have happened if I hadn't felt we actually needed to do it to get by.
As I write this I am trying to book acts for our final 2012 date.
As always, trying to reach a little further than the time before.
Not easy ... but as probably the worlds laziest overachiever, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Cheers to one more year and maybe even a few more after that.