A: The entire greater stockholm area is nursing an epic hangover so almost no one feels like doing anything leaving me, the one guy who likes spread out my drinking rather than do it all one night, bored and lonely.
And B:
This is big day for demonstrations. Now, I am a big fan of standing up for causes. Believing in something and fighting for it is truly something to admire.
That however is not what this is about anymore.
Let me clarify a little. For some, this day represents something meaningful.
The problem is this has turned into day that pretty much is about kids going around doing dumbass shit and not having the fainest idea as to why or what the idea behind it is.
The "Reclaim the streets" thing has a similar problem though it is much much worse.
That day has turned into a day where stupid kids go around trashing the city and spraying slogans that have no real meaning to them on any building they can get their hands on.
Sounds really stupid right?
Thank god the geniuses running the show these days weren't the ones demonstrating back when Vietnam was going on...otherwise it would have taken a hellulva lot longer to get out of there.
So my point? Standing up for causes is great but if you don't know what it is you're standing up for than please sit down. You'll probably do more damage than good in the long run.

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