It's fairly clear now that statement was complete bullshit.
So let's forget that ever happened, say happy new years and get on with it.
They do not build them as they once did.
The first week of 2011 is coming to an end. So far, so good I must say.
Seems like me the rest of world is at least to some degree still on vacation and I feel alot like a guy in a canon waiting to be shot out into the whatever.
On Thursday night I was doing some random clicking about the internet and stumbled onto the website of the indeed very awesome band Pearl Jam.
I tend to drop in there now and then just to check whats going on and if there might be news of any kind of European tour in the works (there never is).
As it turns out, this time there was some news.
2011 marks the 20th year the band has been active.
My first thought was of a "hell yeah...well done!" nature.
My second thought was "Hold on... 20 years? When did this happen? The guys aren't more than late 20s early to mid 30s....or... hmm... yeah."
It took me by surprise because I have always seen them as young vital energetic band who makes young vital energetic music.
I recall seeing them on their Binaural tour. They must been in their mid 30s at that point... to think that there a band memebers of Pearl Jam closing in on 50 was a slightly odd thing to suddenly realize.
Pearl Jam shouldn't be in their 50s... isn't Eric Clapton like 50?

Back in the day

This is of course a very silly way of looking that things. It is in the same vein of savage arguments I had as a kid about who would win a fight between Batman and insert name of some other random superhero ( FYI the answer of course is Batman. Always Batman).
There are literally armies of bands who are in their 20s who make tired music but at the same their are quite a few older bands who can make kick ass stuff well past the age of 50.
In spite of that it can sometimes feel odd to think that Eddie Vedder doesn't have as much time to jump around on stage 150 nights out of the year singing the fuck outta songs like "Ewen flow" because he is off doing...whatever men of a respectable age do.
I probably could have summed up this entire rant like this:
I was the kid standing in the front row jumping around like a maniac all those years ago who now is older than I thought they were first time I saw them. Hmm.
I'm sorry if this came off as whiny.. that was really not at all what I was going for.
Anyway, bye bye for now
Next time on A Beard Too Far:
Batman vs. Eddie Vedder: Who would win?
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