The earth was not swallowed by the sun, a comet did not smash into us and I do not have to fight off armies of zombies on my way down to the pub.
There is new date now. I believe it was sometime in October. So don't make any big plans for Halloween just yet huh?
Being a sci-fi geek and pretty pessimistic guy I have made some plans on what to do when the big day comes.
First off, me and Spike will survive. Why? Because I'm fucking awesome and if you don't believe me ask your mother. While you're talking please apologize on my behalf for leaving so quickly last night.
So we have our location picked out (yeah.. like I'm gonna tell YOU guys where. Find your own damn hideout) and we are about to take off.
I do a quick run thru our checklist.
Tons of canned food? Check
Clothes? Check
Weapons? Check..ish
Beer? Double check
Music? Oops..
It would be a major downer to get to the place, crack open a beer and not have any tunes to enjoy during our End Of The World.. AND WE MADE IT party.
So I dash off to my shelf and select 10 very special records to bring with me.
Before we get to the goods I should out that a few of these records would be not on my list if you asked me a week later or earlier. It's a mood thing.
I should also point out that there is an obvious hole in my logic. If there was still electricity and electronics I could just bring one of my laptops and be able to bring pretty much all my music with me. For the sake of this thing working let's ignore that and move on shall we?
10.Hammock - Kenotic

I think it's fare to assume that I might be a little stressed out by the whole situation. This album will indeed come in handy.
9. Lucien - S/T

An awesome album that always is constant rotation at Casa de Beard. A no brainer for my soundtrack to fighting off zombies while on a beer run.
8. Rob Zombie - Hellbilly Deluxe

I'm drunk, there are actual zombies roaming around outside the house, and oh yeah if I didn't mention it, I'm drunk. Hence I'm gonna wanna listen Rob Zombie..REALLY LOUD.
7. Slayer - Seasons In The Abyss

It just seems like the right thing to do.
6.Tom Waits - Mule Variations

If you really need me to explain why this one needs to be on this list than I really hope you are among the first to be eaten.
5. Pearl Jam - Yield

It was hard to pick just one Pearl Jam album. At the end of the day (or in this case the world) this is still my favourite.
4. The Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie and The Infinite Sadness

Loud and quiet. Happy and sad. Achingly beautiful and crushingly heavy. This one has it all.
I can picture myself having a big boy glass of whiskey listening to Tales Of A Scorched Earth
going "yeah.. good times".
3.Iron Maiden - Brave New World
Besides the fact that the album is brilliant it also seems to suit the mood as well.
Other than that I don't have or really need to add anything on this one.
2. Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti

Why I hear you ask? My answer: Why the hell not?
It is arguably their finest album and always puts me in great mood. A song like In My Time Of Dying might feel a bit on the nose at a time like that but hey.. lighten up.
1. Warren Zevon - I'l Sleep When I'm Dead

Mr. Zevon is always with me wherever I go. The hard thing was picking just one of his albums.
In the end I picked a double disc anthology. It's got pretty much everything and then some.
Whatever mood I'm in, have been in or will be in Warren has song that suits the moment.
A perfect travel buddy wherever I end up.
So that's my list and I'm sticking to it. I should point out that I am no way rooting for this to happen.. but if it does..don't you worry. I'll be fine.
Until next time I will leave you with quote from Mr. Zevon that feels appropriate.
Enjoy every sandwich.
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