Before we get on to the actual music let me start by saying that this is the most butt ugly album "art" the band has ever used... I mean dear god... it looks something you might run into in Doom (the old version).
But let's move past the windows 95 Eddie and get to the tunes..
Satellite 15 ... The Final Frontier
Wtf is the first thing that comes to mind. Heavily distorted bass, drums drenched in reverb and very unsettling guitar melodies. This intro is among the weirdest thing I've heard on a Maiden record but also one of the coolest. 4 minutes in , everything stops and the second part (The Final Froniter) kicks in. After that amazing intro, the next bit feels kinda boring. It's still a good straight forward rocker, but not even close to what I thought was coming after the build up of the intro.
El Dorado
Not much to say about this. A very business as usual Maiden song. This was the first song to be released from the album which I think was very wise. It's got everything: Steve's patented bass line, a monster of a main riff, huge soaring chorus and of course a three way guitar dual ala Smith/Murray/Gers. Like I said..business as usual.
Mother Of Mercy
A mid-tempo song that could have been on their last record. It almost has a Flight of Icarus vibe in places. It also has some seriously great guitar work.
Coming Home
It took me about 5 seconds before I knew this was a Adrian & Bruce song. Big powerful chorus that I'm sure will go down well live.
Also a very cool intro riff. Well done Mr. Smith!
The Alchemist
After a few slightly different tunes we are now back in familiar territory. This one could pretty much fit in on almost any of their previous records. Although there are no big surprise here it never gets boring. In fact it's nice to have a little breather before....
Isle Of Avalon
One of the three songs that clocks in over 9 minutes.
One of the best intros I've ever heard on a Maiden record. The first few seconds sent chills down my spine before it slowly starts building up until it finally explodes. Truly amazing stuff.
Another Smith/Harris/Dickinson number.
A very floatly intro leads into some seriously heavy riffing. The chorus is the only thing I don't really like. It never really takes off in the way one expects.
A big surprise is the almost Led Zeppelin like bridge which seems to come out of nowhere.
All and all an ok song.
The Talisman
Starts off with some very excellent acoustic guitar work ala Janick Gers.
It has a very unsettling almost eerie feeling. No Maiden record would be complete without a nice gallop right? Well,this song does not disappoint. Great lyrics and a fantastic chorus makes this 9 minute song go by in flash.
The Man Who Would Be King
This song must have a been a bitch to learn. Just when you think you've got it figured out it does something weird you wouldn't expect. The last part has some of the coolest instrumental stuff they have done in years. Dave Murray doesn't write very many songs per album but the ones he does write are usually fucking amazing. This song is no exception.
When The Wild Wind Blows
One other key ingredient for a proper Maiden album is of course at least one Steve Harris epic.
This song, which clocks in just under 11 minutes is really Steve Harris in a nutshell.
If one needs to explain his songwriting style for someone, play them this.
Now, that doesn't mean that this song is in anyway an average Maiden epic.
This is indeed Mr Harris at his finest. A great way to close the album.
So....yeah. That's it.
My conclusion: If you are only a fan of the hits and tend to act like a whiny bitch because they didn't play The Trooper when you saw them live, you will not like this album. If you however like me find the songs that demand a little bit more from listener interesting, you are in store for 76 minutes of heaven.
Not sure how interesting this has been for most of you but hey..this only happens like once every 4 years so DEAL WITH IT BITCH!
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