Who gives a shit enough to give a shit?
Come on.. really. Sure, this is one of those big events that ends up imposing itself on everyone and yes I don't think it's really fair that taxpayers pick up the tab for a for 2 MILLION dollar wedding.
Of course not everyone feels this way. I think both sides have pretty much voiced their opinions on both the pros and cons about this thing so I won't go into that in any great detail.
Needless to say anywhere you go you will find people who have very different feelings about what went on.
I know people in both camps
A: The ones who absolutely love everything about this and even cried during the ceremony.
And of course:
B: People who are disgusted by the whole thing.
The funny thing: Guess who wasted the most time talking about it?
The "B" people of course.
I myself fall into that category. I spent yesterday trying not to be constantly reminded of what was going on and the few times I was I shrugged it off.
So what?
It happened. To some it was a major pain in the ass and to others something wonderful. Just fucking come to peace with it.
If you can't do anything about it why whine about it?
What I WILL say about yesterdays festivities is:
Maybe the 5 million royal guards weren't necessary and perhaps the SÄPO guys running along side the carriage trying to "get their USA on" was something we could have done with out.
Also tying up downtown stockholm all day so they could do a victory lap and the new prince could show off the fact that he's "hitting that" might have been stretching it.
But that was yesterday. I myself had a very nice day and in few hours all this crap will be last week.

The only king you'll ever need.
And once again I completely agree with you!