I do indeed have alot to say about this but I'll try to keep this fairly brief.
I happen to know quite alot of scientology.
In fact I have gone out my way to learn about them so I'm way more informed than most people I discuss this with.
This is due to some personal experience I have had dealing with scientologists in the past. Not going into that though.
What I will say is these are people you DO NOT want to get involved with.
I have no grand conspiracy theory about any grand schemes they might have for the world but I do know how they treat their former members.
They have and I'm sure will continue to , lay waste to innocent lives simply for having a change of heart.
They do this by forcing new members to co-sign loans upwards of several 100 thousand dollars with more senior members.
When they try to get out of the "church", the person who they signed the loan with simply stops paying his part leaving this poor sap with a huge loan to pay off all on his or her own.
It's not unusual for former members to be in debt well into 6 figure amounts the rest of their lives.
So as you might have guessed this "religion" is about money. *
It is what Church of Satan was during the 60s and 70s. By being a member, people will assume you're a big shot because you need alot of money to advance to the higher levels(each level you upgrade to costs you...and we're not talking a couple of bucks mind you.)
That's why it's the "in" religion is Hollywood.
Now why I am bringing this up at all?
Well I don't like the fact that myspace has "church of scientology" banners all over the place.

This shit is NOT ok.
Apart from sending a few emails asking various people "what's up with that shit?" there is not much I can do. Hopefully I'm not the only one questioning this.
* Well hehe.. I mean most of the big ones are aren't they? That however is another rant for another day.
Scientologerna är fanimej helt ute och cyklar. Jag har sett ett par dokumentärer i ämnet och deras sätt att hantera ex-medlemmar och "snokande folk" är rent ut sagt skrämmande! Fy satan...